Saturday, October 18, 2008

Did you know?

Did you hear that google has taken a political stand on Proposition 8 in California? I have decided to boycott google for this. Even though I believe strongly in marriage between a man and a woman and I do think that people have their agency, it is NOT appropriate for a company, especially for one as large as google, to take a political stand at all. They need to stick to business, not politics.
Here is a link to googles explanation:
and here is a great blog from Linda Adams....she says exactly what I feel....but she is a writer and says it much better than I do:
Linda is a great author...I have read some of her books...but her points and opinions are perfect!
Anyway, I will be looking for a new place to move my blogs and I hope you will join me in this boycott. Change your search engines and your email addresses as well as blogs if you can!


Krishelle said...

omgosh! I can't believe it!
thx for bringing that to my attention!

Jesurgislac said...

Any employer has a right to be concerned for the welfare of their employees and to take a stand against discriminatory laws that affect their employees and their ability to attract people to work for them.

That's what Google has done with Proposition 8. More employers should take that stand.

kazoolist said...


Proposition 8 would not affect anyone's welfare or Google's ability to attract employees. That's simply a distortion.

What's on the table is the definition of marriage. Even if Proposition 8 passes, California would continue to have strong domestic partnership laws in place guaranteeing equal privileges for those relationships as are given to marriages.

Corporations need to keep themselves OUT of the debate on social issues because they have entirely too much influence when they enter the debate. Google's $100,000 drowns out the contributions by literally thousands of citizens trying to advocate their support for Proposition 8.

Consider for a moment how you'd feel if Google had given the money in support for Proposition 8. Google needs to stay out of it, and I support the growing number of people considering removing Google (and Apple, btw) from their daily lives as a result of this.